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Patients as Partners in Clinical Research

Date: Mar 20, 2024 - Mar 22, 2024

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Welcome to Our New Website!

Demonstrating HOW Patient Involvement Gets Done Resulting in More Successful Clinical Research

Patients as Partners in Clinical Research ® offers an unparalleled opportunity to hear from pharma R&D, FDA and patient advocacy on how patient involvement gets done to drive greater efficiencies in clinical research.

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2023 Co-Chairs ​​​​​​​

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Dr Luther T Clark

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Dr Emma Andrews

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Dr​​​​​​​ Clare Grace
Parexel International

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Sabina Kennan
Patient Advocate

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Tina Aswani Omprakash
Patient Advocate

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Karen Peterson
Patient Advocate

2023 Keynotes

​​​​​​​Patient Advocate

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Mandy Gonzalez
Broadway Star, Author and Patient Advocate

How Takeda Built In Patient Engagement throughout R&D

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Dr Kristina Allikmets
​​​​​​​Takeda Pharmaceuticals

​​​​​​​Amgen's Efforts in Precision Medicine

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Dr Rob Lenz

Rebuilding FNIH's Approach to Patient Engagement​​

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​​​​​​​Dr Julie Gerberding

Astella's Foundational Culture of Patient Centricity

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​​​​​Dr Anthony Yanni
Astellas Pharma

White House

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​​​​​Dr Jackie Ward
White House Office of Science ​​​​​​​and Technology Policy

Patients as Partners was one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended! The conference was perfectly organized and executed – I loved the interactive sessions, the many networking opportunities, the diverse speakers and relevant content, Mandy’s moving ​​​​​​​and energizing keynote, the fundraising opportunity for the Ronald McDonald House, and the passionate, supportive atmosphere. It was very memorable, and I have so much to take back for my team.
 ​​​​​​​– Ellyn Getz, CSL

2023 Featured Key Topics Including

Diversity & Inclusion

• FDA Required Diversity Plan Examples from Pharma Strategies for Community Engagement & Building Trust
• Case Examples on Successful Community Partnerships

Early Patient Engagement

• Approaches to Involving Patients, Caregivers & Sites in Early Research
​​​​​​​• Patient Experience Data & Insights to Inform Early Study Designs

FDA Regulatory Updates

• 6 FDA agency updates & new guidances for patient centric trials
​​​​​​​• FDA Town Hall Q&A

Operationalizing Patient Engagement

• Building a Foundational Culture of Patient Centricity throughout the Company
• Systemically Incorporating Patient Engagement Throughout R&D
• Engaging Internal Stakeholders to Embed Patient Engagement in a Meaningful Way that Drives Value

Patient Engagement Impact Measures

• What to Measure to Demonstrate the Value of Patient-Centric Efforts
• Models for Measuring the Value and Impact of Patient Informed Medicines Development
• Industry Initiatives on Patient Engagement Impact Measures

Interactive & Group Sessions

• Creating Ideas & Solutions with Patients on Community Engagement, Trust, DCTs & Data
​​​​​​​• Co-creating Health Equity Strategies with Community Groups
• Birds of a Feather Roundtable Discussions
• Audience Pop Up Session on Reducing the Burden to Patients

DCTs, Digital Health & Data Return

• Collaborations with Patients, Sites and Pharma to Advance DCTs
• Digital Health Technologies to Understand Unmet Need
• Returning Trial Options and Data to Patients

Patient Feedback

• Patients View on Clinical Research
• Partnering with Pharma and Advocacy
​​​​​​​• Clinical Trial Wishlist Changes
​​​​​​​• And More

Ask the Patient/Patient-Led Sessions

• Meet with Patients One-on-One to Learn From their Clinical Trial Experiences
• Co-Creation Session on Patient Centered Clinical Trial Solutions
• Applying Patient Engagement Initiatives and Demonstrating Impact Session Leaders

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Attendees received direct access to the following:

Case study sessions from Pharma R&D and Patient organizations on HOW they are making significant progress in clinical outcomes by engaging patients through their clinical research experience.

FDA agencies report on their guidelines to advancing patient involvement in medicines development. Attendee questions are welcome.

Guided session on co-creating solutions to the typical barriers patients face in participating in a clinical trial.

Meet directly with patients to gain their perspectives on clinical trial experiences, challenges and opportunities for improvement.

8+ hours of in-person networking ranging from networking break lunch, receptions, partnering opportunities, ​​​​​​​and more.

What to Expect at the Upcoming 2024 Summit

The 11th annual Patients as Partners® in Clinical Research gives attendees representing clinical operations and patient engagement a wide choice of real-world examples from peers in pharma R&D, five FDA agencies and patient advocacy on how patient involvement is implemented to drive greater efficiencies in clinical research. ​​​​​Each session demonstrates the what, where, when and how and measures the impact of those initiatives. 

2024 Sponsors

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